Saturday, July 10, 2010

Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligence

I was so interested in my results from the two online tests that I took today (one learning style test and one multiple intelligence test) that I thought I would share them in my blog.

The first test I did was from the following website.

Keeping in mind that each category result is out of 20, my results were as follows.

Visual 5

Social 15

Physical 9

Aural 18

Verbal 9

Solitary 15
Logical 6

Apart from my own results, I was also amazed by the results that showed when I ask this website to compare my results to that of all other users.

As you can see, when looking at the results of the average of all the users on the site, each category score is almost exactly the same. This tells me that as a teacher, I will need to be aware of and teach for all of the learning styles because, on average, there is not one style that is more popular than another.

The second test that I took was the Multiple Intelligence test. If you go to the following website and in the "View Your Own Results" section and type in my code, you will see my results.

The following link is for the website.
My code is: z3ny0wjt67082
(both are zeros)

The results of this test are similar to the results of the learning style test in many ways. However the thing that surprised me about both tests was that I used to class myself as a Kinaesthetic (Physical) learner as I know that I do enjoy hands on learning. Today these tests have shown me that this is not my strongest learning style and therefore now that I am aware of this, I may change my way of studying to test out this new information.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Readers,
    If you run the mouse over the area underneath the words "The website is:" you will be able see the website link.
    Kind regards,
