Thursday, July 29, 2010

Week 3- Prezi page

The following link is for my Prezi page.

I found Prezi an interesting way to present information however it was slightly confusing at times. Having said this, compared to PowerPoint, Prezi may be a little more simple as you only have one page and one menu to work with. With a little more practice and confidence in attempting to get to know Prezi, it may be something that even I could use for assignments.

Therefore in a school situation, Prezi may be an ICT that can be used for upper grade students to present something to a class. Prezi, unlike PowerPoint, allows for focus on the big picture and then zooming in to focus on the smaller points or parts. I believe that because of this, Prezi may even be able to be used in an intergretted ART class where students can present a painting/picture on Prezi as the big picture and then zoom in to focus on the finer detail.

As I am studying to be a Japanese teacher, I am considering the use of Prezi in a LOTE situation and have decided that it may be of good use for teachers to present students with a sentence structure (as the whole picture) then focus on each part of that sentence (as the zoomed in finer detail). Students may be able to use Prezi as a way of presenting assignments in the LOTE situation however it may depend on the assignment and whether Prezi allows for Japanese characters to be displayed.

All in all, I believe that Prezi is a convenient way of presenting information, facts, pictures or decisions in a school situation either by teachers or students. The only minus to this program may be that Prezi is different from most of the commonly used programs and therefore may be difficult for the students (and teachers) to get used to using.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Naomi, I like the idea of using Prezi with Japanese classes. You could have the word in Japanese and then zoom in to have its English definition.
