Because I am studying to be a Japanese teacher, this is the sort of Youtube videos that I could use in my classroom. At my prac this term, this Youtube video was used at the end of the lesson as not only a reward and time-filler but also for educational purposes. As you would have noticed, the video has mainly Japanese speaking and writing. This fact allows for students to listen to the speaking and try to interpret any words that they do already know, as well as look for familiar characters in the on-screen text.
When this video was originally shown to a grade 7 class, the students used their prior knowledge of Japanese entertaining, Japanese language (both writing and listening), as well as visual hints (for example, the contestants reactions, facial expression, and voice tonation) to establish the purpose of the show. Therefore this video went from being their reward to being something they were able to learn from. This was proved by the new language (words of encouragement mainly) that they were repeating after the video had been watched.
Especially in Japanese classes, Youtube videos can often be beneficial in demonstrating a process to the students or informing them about a particular topic. In the Japanese context, videos can be used to show students, for example, the true layout of a Japanese house or school, or traditional Japanese cultural activities or festivals, or in the case of the above video, they can be used as exposure to Japanese language.
YouTube. (2008). Japanese Game Show- Rope Swing. Retrieved from
It is true! Youtube videos can be beneficial in demonstrating a process to the students. I often use Youtube videos for teaching Japanese culture. For example, how to use Japanese toilet, bath and so on. Youtube is an effective learning tool!